Our Latest News
(Last updated May 11, 2018)
New Graphic Kiosk
April 2018. A new graphic kiosk has been erected at the Center by Jeremy Waldron in completion of his Eagle Scout project. Jeremy is the son of Brian Waldron and the grandson of Jim Waldron. Jim is a long-time volunteer who has been involved with the daily running of the Center since the earliest days. He and his wife, Martha, are our most dedicated volunteers. Martha was responsible for banding our released birds for a number of years and actually was a bander for many years before joining the Rehab Center in 2002.
L-R: Jim Waldron, Jeremy Waldron, Brian Waldron |
Sick eagles land in rehabBirds now to be tested for lead poisoning
Article published March 10, 2014, in The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee Story by Bryan Brasher.March 2014. GOLDEN EAGLES ON THE MOVE
A golden eagle nicknamed "Jericho" was brought to the Mid-South Raptor Rehabilitation Center in Memphis on Feb. 12, suffering from lead poisoning. The large female bird was treated and released Wednesday afternoon back near its original home in northern Alabama. Through use of a radio transmitter, conservation officials have tracked the bird as it has flown across Tennessee to Southern Kentucky and on to West Virginia during the days since its release.
For whole article, pictures, and a link to Jericho's travels, click here. |
Knox Martin - Raptor Rescuer Article published in July 2013 issue of RSVP Magazine Story by Leah Fitzpatrick. Photo by Steve Roberts.July 2013. When the Memphis Zoo eliminated its Raptor Rehabilitation Program in 2002, the program's coordinator, Knox Martin, knew he still wanted to help treat injured and orphaned birds of prey, or raptors, with the goal of safely returning them to the wild. So that same year he went out on a limb and founded the Mid-South Raptor Center on land donated by Agricenter International (with the help of John Charles Wilson) and now handles nearly 200 birds a year from the tri-state area.He specifies, "We mainly see meat eaters, which entail hawks, owls, eagles, falcons, vultures, and kestrels." The most common injuries incurred by raptors that come to the center are from . . . For whole article, click here. |
Dr. David Hannon PresentationMarch 2013. Knox Martin, Director of the Mid-South Raptor Center, presented Dr. David Hannon a plaque on behalf of the Memphis Chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society in recognition of his many years as volunteer veterinarian for the center. Dr. Hannon has helped with injured raptors for over 25 years and during that time has treated over 2,500 individual birds. Congratulations to Dr. Hannon for his many years of service. |
September 2012. A group of 25 members of the Memphis Chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society met at the Center to watch Director Knox Martin band and release several birds. Three Mississippi Kites and a single Cooper's Hawk were released. For more information and pictures, click here. |

April 2012. Downed Barn Owl Found, Cleaned, Banded and Released. For information and pictures, click here.
April 2012. Mid-South Raptor Center Founder and Director Knox Martin with a group of local Cub Scouts who had just finished a short class on raptors of the Mid-South. While the center is generally closed to the public, exceptions are made for educational purposes.
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Walnut Grove Road, Memphis, TN USA
©2008 Mid-South Raptor Center. All rights reserved.